July 18, 1939

( 7 documents, 5 translations )

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Dear Evchen

Today’s letter is meant to bring you our happiest birthday greetings. Since this is the first time we are unable to be together on this day, you will have to accept them this way.

So, dear Evchen, we wish you all the best for the future from our hearts. May you stay healthy. Everything else will be well. And God will help us celebrate this day together again some time.-

So, my dear ones, we received a telegram from the committee this morning that Papa received his visa for D.(*) So he will leave Leipzig tomorrow for two weeks. As you know, everything has been prepared there, so we can assume that he will get it done during that time.

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Because the agreement between P. & D.(**) expires on July 31. Until then, P. must have returned here. Papa went to see [his] sister with Felix for 12 days.

That’s the most important news for today. I will write in more detail in the next letter, because we need to get a lot done now. Well, dear Evchen, may you have a joyful and healthy birthday. We have been invited by neighbors to a wedding on that same day. We will think of you every hour. Will you do the same?

Much love and kisses to you both

from your


My dear Evchen,

A very happy birthday from me as well. May you always be well and may you live with Fritz for many more years. Unfortunately, we cannot give you a birthday kiss this year, but we are always thinking of you. I will be traveling to D. tomorrow, and I hope to be able to take care of everything there. But Mutti has written to you in more detail. Much love and kisses to you and Fritz

from your


(*) “D” could be Germany

(**) “P. and D.” could mean Poland and Germany

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Dear Eva, this is the first time that I cannot tell you happy birthday personally. Nonetheless, I wish you all the best with all my heart, as I do every year. Mostly, I wish you the best of health and all the best! We hope you have been able to rest and recover on your vacation. – Dear Eva, I can also tell you something about myself. We now have reason to hope that I will be accepted in Stanislau (2 hours by train from here) at a technical school (with the help of our local committee). Papa has to take care of a few more things in this matter. Should everything work out, Mutti will go to Stan. tomorrow with P. I may board at someone’s home. – Dentist Hausmann opened an office in St. Well, dear Eva, I will close for today;

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Zablotov, July 18, 1939

Dear Evchen, this year, my birthday greetings must travel a long way to you. But they are just as heartfelt and I wish you all the best just like in the times when I was able to give you a birthday kiss first thing in the morning. First and foremost, I with you good health, because that is most important. Hopefully, life will become easier for you so that you can live happily with Fritz for many more years. Perhaps I will be able to wish you a happy birthday in person next year! Enjoy your birthday cake! – What else is new with you? Papa is going to D. tomorrow. I hope he will be able to accomplish everything there so we can finally get our possessions.

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It is terribly hot here. Up to 40° in the shade. We spend all day in the water. You can’t bear it otherwise. What did you do on your vacation? Did you go for a swim, and did you rest well? I don’t know anything else to report from here. Much love and kisses to you and Fritz

from your


have a nice day with Fritz (but don’t get an upset stomach). Much love to you and kisses to Fritz as well

your Joachim
