Zablotów, November 12, 1938
Dear Evchen,
Your express postcard arrived this morning. By now, the registered letter should be with you. I think you don't need to send anything via express. The connection to here is bad, and the mail arrives early anyway. I actually wanted to write you yesterday, there was a major Polish holiday here and the post office was closed. That's why you'll have the letter not Sunday but Monday.
We were very happy to read your letter about (from?) Grete's office, and we are happy that you have a home there for sleeping. Where do you eat dinner? Remember that you can also have butter at L.'s. And what did Walters say? Do they know that we are gone? You are asking about the rolls. I had 8 on Monday, on Tuesday and Wednesday, I had 10, Thursday and Friday 12 or 14. Did Mrs. Weidner bring all of the laundry? I think the laundry slip is hanging between the coupon books. Would you have a look and see if everything was delivered? And did Mrs. Weidner say anything? She was paid for the last Wednesday. I don't remember how many hours.
Now, dear Evchen, no one knows if the complaint will have any success. We don't hear anything from the committees here. It's exasperating. We really need to know what the situation is. Joachim is cold in his summer coat, and I am, too. I don't think the post office will accept anything. I hope something will be decided soon so that we can take important steps ???. Something needs to happen with the apartment,
Side: Joachim asks you to send the letter to Charlie Holkner, N 22 Mechlerstr. 3.

I wonder if we can give notice as a precaution. Otherwise, we would have to keep paying another ¼ year. What do you think?
Yesterday, I received a letter from Lotte Redel from Krakow. She is living with an attorney, where she was well received and gets her meals. Janta (?) is still in the hospital. Would you write to her? The address is: Advokat Dr. Gustav Landau, Kraków, U Grodzka L.4. Please give our regards to Aunt Röschen and tell her I will write to her next week. Please send the enclosed letter to the Manns. They called you a few times, but you weren't there. Would you get in touch with them when you have a chance? There's not much anyone can do about the business. If it is to be the end at U., you still have work to do. Remember that you have some major plans, so don't overdo anything or you'll be too exhausted when you see Fritz.
Gisela Rath got in touch, she is still in the collection camp on the border and will probably also end up here. Felix is going to Krakow tomorrow. He has an errand to run there. ??? ??? wrote, offering his help. There's even a chance that he will move here. He can't get a business license there.
I will close for now, dear Evchen. I will write again in the next few days. Give our love to all dear relatives, and much love and kisses to you
from all of us your loving mother
My dear Löwensteins,
Many thanks for all the good things you do for Evchen. We can't know what is going to happen. Everything is so hard to believe, and yet, we shouldn't despair. I wonder if the old God has abandoned us completely. Perhaps not?
All the best from Hede Rath and family
Side: Many thanks for the bill. – Mr. Mann's mother passed away on October 28th.
We met Mr. and Mrs. Altmann in Katowice. Mrs. Altmann was very depressed, Lunzi (?) stayed back there.
Top: Love and kisses Gisela